Caerdhens used to be a noble family. They were barons and close to the king. But it all changed when the firstborn son Nicklaus Caerdhen conspired against king Alexander. He was executed and the rest of the family was exiled and lost the title. Georgie, the youngest son of the family, loved his brother. He was there at the day od the execution an it was him who took his elder parent to the small town of Guthen, in Guthenshire, so that they could start a new life together. Hopefully a happier one.

They were both free now, but their love was so scandalous that their liφe was hard to bear. The Greyvels cut all relations to them, their neighbors never talked to them and Georgie couldn;t find a job. But soon he found a solution.

Some weeks after his ship sailed to India, they were informed that it was vanished in a storm. There were no survivors.