Σάββατο 31 Οκτωβρίου 2015

sims 2 realistic sickness mod

Well THIS can go wrong!
I doanloaded the "sims realistic sickness" mod that can be found here  because my Sims didn't die enough(!)in my medieval themed neighborhood. So what could go wrong with a small rise in the death numbers, afterall I needed this realism.
 Then I went to my main family, the Greyvels. There were 6 of them. Two granpas, two cousins and their wives. Soon there was just one left (you can see him in the pic, wondering about to be or not to be) the rest died (the one woman was expecting, too) no matter how I tried to keep them alive. Was it just me? Was it that family? In conclusion, download with caution!

Σάββατο 17 Οκτωβρίου 2015

The royal family 1627

I m done with 1625! Now my familly is in the 3rd generation and still goes strong, earning royal favor slowly but steady. The family above is my royal family, the Wanaecters.

Δευτέρα 12 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Nice hictorical downloads for Sims2

Are you ready for your historical theme neighborhood? Make sure you visited the following sites, before you start building and decorating! 
www.medievalsims.com/ -It has everything for the dark ages and renaissanse.
Cradle of darkness - there are historical themed downloads, and goth themed stuff.
search for the old stuff of all-about-style amd tarox sims. These sites are closed (for sims2) but used to have amazing cc.